118 rue du Rhône, 1204 Geneva, Switzerland
We Are More Than Auditors, We Add Value To Your Existing Team
Your assets are held in different financial institutions (banks, asset managers, insurance...), your wealth is diversified (real estate, art collection...), CAPAnalysis provides you with both a high level consolidated view and the possibility to dig into the layers which compose it.
The core of CAPAnalysis is a proprietary software called CAPAct.
We have designed an intuitive set of tools combined with the proper algorithms to consistently track the data provided in each and every one of your transactions.
Consolidation and portfolio monitoring service.
Private investors, family offices, external managers.
Benchmarking + fees & taxes analysis + performance attribution + risk management.
Secure your performance / lower your risks / harmonize your costs.
We have designed an intuitive set of tools combined with the proper algorithms to consistently track the data provided in each and every one of your transactions. We apply this methodology to two types of investments: Financial investments - everything which is publicly quoted on the financial markets. Non-financial investments - art collection, real estate,......