Discover how we can help with your match review process, further due diligence or remediation projects
Understanding Your Needs
Our Assist service has been designed not introduce any additional risks to your business. We achieve this by getting to know your business and the challenges you are looking to solve.
Working with you we look at the options available to address the challenges as efficiently as possible. Our key aims are to help you improve your compliance whilst minimising the cost.
How We Work
From the start we take a comprehensive approach, ensuring end-to-end processes are fully documented and agreed before any work begins.
Where decisions are made, a catalogue is formed to define exactly how our analysts will determine the path to take. Regular feedback and reviews ensure the process is refined to be accurate and efficient.
Effortless Integration
Where the Assist service is being used to help with the review of potential matches our system has been designed to seamlessly integrate our analysts into your processes.
SLAs are agreed to ensure reviews are undertaken in a timescale to meet your operational needs. The configured workflow looks after the correct routing, whilst providing you with complete visibility.