A customisable, interactive website used to support client interactions
The DWS Digital Front Office
We provide each advice firm with a digital front office - a dedicated, customisable, interactive website that is used to support client interactions. Some of the primary features are listed below.
Landing pages
Each advice firm website is a new means for clients to seek advice and to access their advice-related information. Advisers and staff also use the website to support and advise their clients.
Each firm can customise their dedicated website with its own web address, logo, imagery, colour scheme, proposition settings etc.
Client account
Each client has their own secure, personalised account from which they can seek advice, review recommendations, sign documents, meet with their adviser via video conferencing, store and share wealth-related documents, complete questionnaires etc.
Client meeting rooms
Advisers and staff can host wealth-specific, video conferencing meetings with clients within the website. ‘Client Meeting Rooms’ are secure, optionally recordable and include in-meeting document presentation, screen sharing, eSignatures and 2+ participants.
Financial strategy
Advice firms can optionally share a long-term financial strategy with a client via their online account.
Document vault
Clients can securely store important personal wealth documents (e.g. Wills, Powers of Attorney, policy documents) in their account, and optionally share same with their adviser.
Further features include Notes, Recommendation packs, Online Advice, Advice requests, Review Questionnaires, eSignatures and client onboarding.