Optimise the creation of fund fact sheets and better engage with investors at scale using FE fundinfo's leading fact sheet configuration and production tool
Designed around you
Investors rely on fund fact sheets to provide key fund information in a succinct and easy to understand format. Our configuration tool enables quick development and design of your documents, true to your brand guidelines. Your marketing documents can be produced in multiple languages to comply with local legislation, also supporting your global distribution efforts.
Improve efficiencies
Our fully automated service increases efficiencies in your business. By signing off your fund data at source you can eliminate time consuming approvals, freeing up resource to focus on your customers and greatly reduce the risk of any errors or inconsistencies.
Automatic audit trail & document archive
All documents are accessible using our secure portal. User permissions are enabled to prevent unauthorised changes and publishing, allowing for further quality control. The portal documents a trail of completed actions automatically, essential for any transparent, compliant process. Your published documents are archived for 10 years should there be a need to review them in future.