Our Eco-Label screening and registration service helps you obtain and maintain your chosen Eco-Labels and ensures your fund’s ESG credentials are recognised by investors
The proliferation of ESG and sustainable funds in recent years has led to a flood of ESG ratings entering the market with little correlation between what is being measured. The increasing divergence of ESG ratings and pressure to validate a fund’s ESG credentials also places fund managers at risk of greenwashing their propositions.
What are Eco-Labels?
As part of the action plan on sustainable finance, the EU Commission launched a study on applying the EU Eco-Label framework to investment products. If attained, they stand as a symbol of demonstrating environmental excellence. Fund Eco-Labels, therefore, offer a unique opportunity for manufacturers of investment products to promote their ESG credentials.
Unlike many ESG ratings, Eco-Label accreditation is more likely to reflect the specific demands and expectations of investors of a fund market, as they are awarded on a jurisdictional basis. The application process and list of criteria therefore varies with each market, often with strict rules on when they can be applied for and renewed.
Expert Guidance on the Eco-Label application process
We will undertake an initial screening of your fund and, depending on the result, work closely with you to prepare and submit the application or provide advice on how your fund can meet the chosen Eco-Label criteria.
Transparent and Detailed Output
We provide you with a detailed output on the various aspects of the criteria that go into the screening process. This includes feedback on the likelihood of a fund receiving the chosen Eco-Label accreditation and highlights any criteria that were marked as a fail.
Management and Expertise
A combination of our Global Funds Registration (GFR) and ESG capabilities help you manage the application process from screening through to accreditation, providing you with the opportunity to amplify your fund’s ESG credentials in key marketing documents and content.