Comply – is our ongoing retainer based service. If you have no in house expertise, we can assist you in running your in house compliance monitoring programme, providing you with periodic risk-based compliance reports focused on specific areas of the business, as well as any other ongoing advice or compliance assistance required. If you already have in house expertise, this can compliment your in house team, and we can take as much or as little involvement as you want. We generally favour a proactive approach where we visit your premises on a routine basis, to discuss any new regulatory developments, your business in general, and the items to undergo a compliance review and report. The reports delivered to you on a regular basis make sure that you are aware of the lie of the land in terms of compliance within your firm. Where any mitigating action is required, we can recommend appropriate remedy, and also execute this where desired. This service is completely scalable, and can be for as little as one day a quarter, to one day a week. Where an ad-Hoc project arises, depending on its specific nature, we can action this within the retainer of Comply.