With our products you have everything you need for the financial valuation and management of your renewable energy projects. The greenmatch software is used to plan, manage and market projects within the field of renewable energies. In addition to wind power plants, hydropower, photovoltaics and solar thermal energy, greenmatch also maps biogas plants and biomass. And all this is carried out with data integrity and security according to Swiss standards.
GM Valuation
Certified project valuation
GM Valuation is a certified cashflow model to evaluate and simulate projects in a standardised and comparable way. Time-consuming and error-prone spreadsheets are a thing of the past.
GM Marketplace
Buy and sell projects
As a project developer or project operater, GM Marketplace allows you to offer projects for sale to the greenmatch community. And as a potential buyer, you are regularly provided with new investment opportunities on the digital marketplace.
GM Asset Controlling
Manage financial performance
GM Asset Controlling helps you to track financial performance of your projects and portfolio, compare them with the plan and take action if required.
GM Services
Call in expertise
Our team offers strong expertise in renewable energy project finance as well as comprehensive product knowledge. We make sure you get the most out of greenmatch.