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Announcing KidbrookeONE: Revolutionising investment and wealth analytics

By Natalie Burke, Head Of Marketing, Kidbrooke

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Kidbrooke builds seamless wealth experiences leveraging predictive forecasting by accessing our financial simulation engine through its versatile APIs

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by Kidbrooke
| 13/03/2024 12:39:12

Accessible wealth analytics for all stages of your digitalisation journey
Since our start in 2011, Kidbrooke® has been at the forefront of financial technology innovation within the wealth analytics space. We began our journey by developing highly specialised market and insurance risk models for major financial institutions in the Nordics and played a key role in related digitalisation projects, offering our ability as consultants in quantitative finance. In 2019, we pivoted for the first time, becoming a software firm focused on developing the OutRank financial simulation engine, a cloud-based API-first financial planning and advice analytics-as-a-service solution. OutRank offered a comprehensive approach, combining asset and liability management with Monte Carlo simulations to provide interactive, forward-looking financial analytics. Its advanced capabilities in financial planning, particularly in pensions, insurance, and investment, set a new standard in the industry, making complex financial concepts accessible to thousands through our customers.

Introducing KidbrookeONE
As the financial industry evolves, so do we. We are excited to announce the transition from OutRank, the financial simulation engine, to KidbrookeONE, our Unified Investment and Wealth Analytics platform. This strategic shift addresses critical industry trends, including the demand for efficient data management processes, the need for more personalised digital experiences in wealth management and improved ALM (Asset and Liability Management) tools in investment and asset management. These trends underscore financial institutions need to improve their analytical capabilities to remain competitive, meet evolving client needs​ and be ready for increased regulatory demands.

KidbrookeONE provides solutions for each of the stages of your digital transformation journey. It builds upon a solid foundation of market and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) data management, via instrument and portfolio analysis and on to our leading financial simulation engine. Incorporating key features from our well-known OutRank solution, and introducing new, advanced capabilities ranging from the efficient management of market and investment product data to added wealth analytics capabilities such as portfolio analysis, performance calculation, and portfolio construction.

At its core, KidbrookeONE is designed to bring unparalleled efficiency and consistency to investment and wealth managers’ operations. This is achieved through a unified approach between data and analytics that integrates financial planning and asset management aspects into a coherent system. This ensures uniform quality and accuracy of advice or decision support, whether delivered by humans or a digital platform. Its core features include robust performance, forward-looking and retrospective wealth analytics, an architecture which does not require the storage of end-customer data, and an API-first design for seamless integration. It is auditable and modular, focusing on business and customer needs.

We have tailored KidbrookeONE to prioritise what our customers value the most: consistent information and assumptions across all channels and customer experiences, fast and scalable performance for fully interactive experiences, reduced time-to-market for new initiatives, reduced model risk, and streamlined implementation.

For all stages of data readiness
To contextualise our KidbrookeONE platform, we have developed a digital transformation framework, applicable to both asset management and financial planning sectors.

This three-tiered approach begins with the Data Management step, the foundational stage where financial institutions organise and streamline their data, often addressing legacy system challenges. We can help you turn highly manual and error-prone data management processes into lean and efficient automated streams that can help you mitigate identified risks in your operations. Now, KidbrookeONE offers a suite of solutions, including market, ESG and product data aggregation and management (both forward-looking for asset managers and retrospective and forward-looking for financial planners), generation of economic scenarios, historical returns analysis, and maintenance of specific rules pertinent to financial journeys like pensions and tax considerations, all underpinned by a stateless architecture and API-first approach.

The next phase addresses the modernisation of Answering Financial Queries. For instance, within wealth management, pension and estate planning the methods of answering common queries might differ. Similarly, in asset management, teams may work independently of each other. KidbrookeONE ensures a seamless flow between the different customer journeys, bolstering them with consistent wealth analytics backed by our ultramodern technology

The final stage, “Omni-Channel Business,” is where KidbrookeONE really shines by ensuring a uniform calculation method across different sales channels and customer experiences. For both asset managers and financial planners, this phase introduces comprehensive financial planning capabilities, encapsulating the full spectrum of customer needs. KidbrookeONE also offers significant benefits for asset managers, including consistent reporting and analysis across multiple platforms, as well as integrated data management capabilities.

Future vision and commitment
Aligned with our vision of contributing to a world where educated financial decision-making is available to everyone, KidbrookeONE and the accompanying analytical evolution framework democratise access to sophisticated wealth analytics through our customers. We empower financial institutions of all sizes to provide informed and reliable financial guidance to their clients, contributing to a more financially literate and empowered society. 

The launch of KidbrookeONE marks a pivotal moment in our journey. We are grateful for our clients’ and partners’ continued trust and support. We are excited about the future as we continue to innovate and support the financial community with our solutions.

Read the original article here.