The Analyst — Financial Planning Software for MasterPlanners
With our comprehensive financial planning software, you can record, analyze, and present all aspects of a client's current and proposed financial situation.
MasterPlan’s financial planning software keeps track of all a client owns, owes, earns, spends, receives in social security, and pays in taxes from the current year through retirement and beyond to life expectancy.
We have everything you expect, such as retirement planning, estate planning, capital needs (life insurance), budgeting, what-if scenarios, disability and education needs analyses, cash flow and tax planning, balance sheets, etc.
Moreover, we have many unusual features like business valuation, real estate analyses, and investment modeling.
We not only excel in risk analysis, tax planning, and long-term projections, but also at presentation. We have unlimited ad hoc and many predefined graphs, text reports, one-page summaries and a detailed projection report for the most analytical and picky.
Thus, we are not only one of the most powerful and flexible programs, but we can produce selective reports and graphs for client presentations catering to the verbal, visual, bottom-line or detailed client mindsets.