Boost your portfolio into a diversified multi-strategy fund built upon suitable, uncorrelated, best-fit models. Our Institutional Portfolio Plus combines your portfolio with uncorrelated strategies into a single investment vehicle seeking to produce absolute returns in any market
Add a higher degree of diversity and consistency to your returns
Our portfolio replication technology quickly sifts through your current portfolio’s attributes, and subsequently deploys correlation analytics to determine which from our proven models could diversify your returns.
Introducing Multi-Strat Portfolios
Our portfolio replication technology quickly sifts through your current portfolio’s attributes, and subsequently deploys correlation analytics to determine which from our proven models could diversify returns.
Dynamic technology optimized to meet and build on investment objectives
The Neuravest platform not only constructs macro- and micro-driven model portfolios to meet investment objectives, but also dynamically determines the optimal fund allocation across uncorrelated portfolios.
Consolidate portfolios aimed at outperformance
Uncorrelated portfolios can also be constructed to enhance existing portfolios and integrated into a single investment product that will help maximize performance while hedging against adverse market risk.
We do the big (data) lifting so you don't have to
Neuravest uses an exhaustive evaluation and vetting process across the rapidly expanding universe of alternative data providers. Once validated, the Neuravest platform runs portfolio simulations to assess performance.
These assessments are made extremely quickly, allowing the most promising investment strategies to be brought to market at a fraction of the time it would normally take.
Neuravest Multi-Strat Fund Portfolio
Neuravest Multi-Strat Fund is a US Large Cap portfolio that is designed to deal with the cyclicality of major sectors or themes in the US economy.
The portfolio’s goal is to outperform the S&P 500 in any market regime while avoiding large drawdowns during heightened market volatility. The portfolio utilizes machine learning models set to outperform their respective benchmarks as defined by corresponding ETFs (SPDR etc…).
The intuition that drives the portfolio is the notion that, over time, the equity market flows cyclically between sectors and valuation metrics.