Next Emails is a true smart process application reducing costs and risks, increasing efficiency and the personal joy of work
Every vital business email is secured and available to anyone. Anywhere. Anytime
Once a business email is liberated from the personal inbox and secured in Next, it becomes part of the company's collective intelligence. Available to colleagues in the office, on the next floor, down the road, or around the globe. Long after the creator has moved on. Next is always at your fingertips. Easy on the eyes, and easy to use.
Automated business transaction processing
Next monitors selected email boxes 24x7x365 and processes all incoming emails instantly. Steel certificates are detached and filed in the certificate archive. PDF invoices are detached, OCR'd, and submitted for approval in Next Invoices. Customer enquiries are routed to the CRM system. Fully automatic, efficient, reliable, and scalable. Limited only by your imagination.
Bullet-proof compliance. All you'll ever need
Next integrates with any mail server and secures a copy of every email sent or received. Mark emails as private to exclude them from company views, and define who is allowed to see the rest. Designated profiles for tax inspectors and auditors make inspections easier. Emails are purged based on retention policies and nothing else. Once in the archive, always in the archive.
Deeply integrated into your workday
Next captures emails automatically from the email server and allows you to pick individual emails directly from your email box as easy as 1-2-3. Access the archived emails from the email client, from any modern browser, or directly from within any of your business systems. One click from Dynamics NAV to see all emails regarding any customer or supplier.
Assisting you all the way
Whenever you archive a business email, Next will list available categories. And verify information such as customer, supplier, and order numbers against your business systems. Accept the automatic suggestions based on the email and Next knowledge of your previous choices, or click to search for alternatives.
Stealth archiving
No time for talk? Simply send Next a copy and Next will take care of the rest. No questions asked. Next secures the email immediately and classifies the best it can. And remembers to ask you for any missing details later on. Especially useful when processing business emails on your phone.
Lightning fast searches
Next offers hierarchical folder structures, configurable search forms, and completely free text Google-like searches in order to accommodate users in any situation. "Order TED 2015" will give you all emails regarding orders from the customer TED Japan in 2015. Next will search both your emails and the attachments in the blink of an eye.