13 Rue La Fayette, 75009 Paris, France
Established in 2005 in Switzerland, France and Luxembourg, Noveo Conseil supports its clients in their strategic planning and transformation projects, helping them to achieve their efficiency and profitability targets
Who we are
Established in 2005 in Switzerland, France and Luxembourg, Noveo Conseil supports its clients in their strategic planning and transformation projects, helping them to achieve their efficiency and profitability targets.
Our vision
The quality of the services delivered by Noveo Conseil teams has enabled the company to grow in an international environment while maintaining the highest standards for its clients.
The proliferation of regulations requires taking into account their business impacts and reviewing business models. Their implementation is expensive and has an impact on income. How to comply with demanding regulations while remaining efficient and maintaining a good customer experience? Noveo Conseil supports you in understanding the regulations, their operational impacts and their......
Definition and implementation of the digital strategy Adopting a clear digital strategy is a major issue in order to remain competitive. How to seize the opportunity offered by new technologies in order to initiate the transformation of IT systems? How to make data management a real added value? Noveo Conseil supports you in the......
The scope of a project, the multiplicity of stakeholders or even its strategic nature require the definition of a specific project organization. How do you give yourself the best chance of delivering a project on time and on budget? Noveo Conseil assists program departments in terms of steering and coordination. The approach is intended to......
Definition and implementation of the Target Operational Model In a rapidly changing economic, regulatory and technological environment, finding a balance between customer needs, operational efficiency and risk management is imperative. How to optimally mobilize stakeholders to define an efficient operating model? Noveo Conseil supports you by integrating your business challenges and your constraints......
Definition and implementation of the strategic vision In a highly competitive market, we are witnessing major changes: drop in revenues, regulatory pressure, changes in customer expectations, industrialization of production activities, etc. How to define a strategic vision in an environment in perpetual motion? We support you to set the course, unite your teams......