Realized is the end-to-end platform that lets you exchange 1031-eligible properties for diversified portfolios of tax-optimized property interests, customized to your shifting income needs, risk appetite, and investment goals across generations
01 The gap in wealth management? Investment properties
Investment property wealth isn’t managed with the same discipline as stocks, bonds, or other traditional asset classes. This management gap hurts after-tax returns and creates unnecessary risk of losses. Why?
02 Investment property wealth management. Only with realized
Realized bridges the gap between investment property ownership and sophisticated wealth management, to help you meet your income needs in retirement, manage your risk, and preserve your property wealth across generations.
03 Personalized wealth solutions with realized portfolios
With Realized, you now have a single, end-to-end partner for transforming your individual property investments into diversified portfolios of tax-optimized investment property interests, tailored to your unique retirement income needs, risk profile, and goals for risk-adjusted returns.
04 What is your investment property wealth scenario?
Too often, investors make damaging decisions when it’s time to harvest their investment property wealth. You need a partner that understands your unique scenario and can deliver a personalized wealth solution.