Solution introduction

Our award-winning trading platform

Powerful trading tools
A comprehensive range of trading and investing features with a user-friendly interface.

Comprehensive account overview
Manage your account or analyse performance in detail with our revamped account section.

In-depth Research hub
Inform your trading with curated research content, including news, SaxoStrats analysis, price data, trade ideas and educational material.

Innovative risk-management features
Discover unique tools to manage your risk and control your positions.

  • Account shield - The account shield acts as a stop loss on your entire account value. If triggered, it liquidates all your open positions.
  • Stop orders - Protect your positions from adverse market moves with trailing stops and stop-limit orders.
  • Cancel all orders - Cancel all orders, or just those within an asset class, with a few clicks.*
  • Margin breakdown - Easily monitor the margin utilisation for each instrument.
  • Margin alerts - Set custom margin alerts to receive pop-up and push-notifications.
  • Quick close positions - Close all FX and CFD positions, or just those within an asset class, in two clicks.

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