eFIRDS helps you secure you have an updated central database with the latest static data from ESMA, FCA and GLEIF
The sourced and mapped data will help you check, verify and complete your regulatory compliance reporting on a daily basis.
By using the eFIRDS API clients can retrieve vast amounts of data in an automated and efficient fashion. The efirds.eu website look-up tool can be a standalone service or compliment to the API to help the client to adhoc look-up any instrument or issuer of interest.
Summary of key features:
Issuers, LEI-codes, and ISIN-codes listed on any recognised trading venue in the EU and UK.
Reference data
Find key data points on any financial instrument such as CFI-codes, MIC-codes, and the First Trading Date on a trading venue.
Liquidity data
Access liquidity flags, most liquid trading venue and other regulatory transparency calculations data.
Issuer data
Find legal entity data mapped to ISIN-codes with an overview of all traded equity, debt and other financial instruments per issuer.
Trading venue data
View all the trading venues and systematic internalisers for a financial instrument.