The December 2024 edition of our AI WealthTech Market Map is now available. This is the fourth iteration of the Map, which aims to compile the wide range of technologies and related services that use, deliver, and support the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in the wealth management industry.
The Map will be developed, expanded, and undoubtedly grown based on our global Solution Provider Directory and the development and maintenance process that supports it. The map will continue to grow as we discover more companies that have integrated AI into their current offerings, add new AI-based solutions to their roster, and as new and diverse AI-based companies with pertinent propositions enter the market across the world.
How to categorise a directory, as we know from our core online resource, is perhaps more of an art than a science. For this Map, the categorisation is firstly driven by the Business Need categories used within the Technology & Data marketplace within our global online Solution Provider Directory. You can access all of those here.
Rather than all 25 Business Needs, we have used 18 of those categories for this Map but that will likely evolve as we understand more about what is in the market, what is coming to the market, as firms tell us more about their offering, and so on.
For each entry into the Map, we review the firm's offering to the market and select, as we see it, the most relevant Business Need. This dictates where the firm sits within our Map. There is no further overlay at present. This single selection model is different to our online Solution Provider Directory where we can select whichever Business Needs are relevant to a solution's capability and focus.
Additionally, within the Map, we have also added 'Advisor Tools' and 'Consulting' as additional categories. For Advisor Tools, each firm included here is also assigned to a most relevant Business Need. As we move forward, we will likely add other categories to support a user's navigation of what promises to be a growing resource.
Featuring on the Map
The entrants to the Map are determined by us, and their inclusion is based solely on relevance to the wealth management sector. We do not have a specific geographic focus, nor do we focus solely on one type of wealth management business. There are entrants in the Map that are very much for the biggest firms in the markets such as the larger banks, and others that focus much more on entities such as IFAs or family offices. This level of detail will be available through our website in time, as well as through the supporting Market Map Factfile (see below).
For any firm that believes it should be included in the Map, we look forward to hearing from you!
Finally, for anyone viewing the Map, each of the firms included has a business and solution profile (or profiles) that can be found within our online Solution Provider Directory, either through the Business Need categories as highlighted above or through search.
AI WealthTech Market Map, December 2024 - 317 entrants
For any questions about the Map or to be included in it, please write to us at
Participate in our AI Toolkit 2025 report and roadshows
The next report in our Toolkit series will focus on AI. We still have slots available for vendors to highlight where they are focusing to add value to the wealth management sector. See the participation options in the here.
As part of the AI Toolkit 2025, we’re also hosting events in New York, London and Singapore. You can see the participation details in the above linked document.
For more details and to register to attend the AI Toolkit Roadshow 2025, New York Edition, on the morning of January 22nd in Manhattan, see here.