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WealthTech Talks: Engaging the next generation wealth client with technology

Join us on Tuesday, December 6th, 10 am UK time

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by The Wealth Mosaic
| 01/12/2022 11:31:32

In the United States alone, over the next two decades, it is estimated that the Baby Boomers, those born between 1944 and 1964, are expected to transfer around US$30 trillion in personal wealth to the next generation. This wall of money, the largest ever to move between generations anywhere in the world, is a tantalising prize for the wealth management sector. How can they access their share of this money? Or how do they go about not losing it if the money is moving from an existing client to the next generation? As the wealth management industry knows all too well, the chance of that money leaving their business when it changes hands is high, and the cost of winning a new client dwarf that of winning business from an existing client. So how does the wealth manager ensure that it engages the next generation of wealth holders and takes advantage of this incredible business opportunity? And, importantly, what is the role of technology in that mission?

In this live webinar, our Founder, Stephen Wall, will host a specialist panel to delve deep into the next generation of wealth management clients. The panel will consider who they are, what they want, how they are different from the Baby Boomers, what wealth managers need to know and change to reach and serve them, and what that means for their business. Through the conversation, we will weave in the role of technology and what role it should play in supporting the business of wealth management in moving from the Baby Boomer generation to the next generations of wealth management clients.

This webinar features panellists, including:

» Christine Ciriani, CEO, EMEA, InvestCloud
» Edward Turner, Client Advisor, Dreyfus Sons & Co Banquiers

Register here.