Investors that have a good understanding and a disciplined respect for the specific price trend of securities outperform competitors. Any investment strategy can be enhanced by a better synchronization to trends developments
The Trendrating solution is based on a “pattern recognition” algorithm that processes a large volume of data. The algorithm works on a multi-factor analysis and uses a self-adaptive, flexible time window. When the different factors are in synch there is a high probability that a relevant trend is in place. The dynamic time window enables a more timely identification of an emerging trend and the multi-factor approach supports an effective filtering of price noise, short term volatility and false moves.
The Performance Management Platform provides access to the company advanced analytics and a rich software suite. The analytics are designed to capture trends, identifying most of the winners and avoiding a large part of the losers within a yearly horizon. Our model offers a unique rating of trends where A and B indicate a bull trend and C and D mark bear moves. We provide a unique edge where A and B rated stocks on average outperform those rated C and D. The suite supports a broad range of tasks including;