Solution introduction

BITA Wealth modules give managers the freedom to construct and manage portfolios within a firm's investment framework, whilst ensuring enterprise oversight and control

BITA Risk provides BITA WEALTH with module options as follows: 

  • BITA Wealth Profiler - multi-dimensional suitability profiling of a client’s investment needs, matching to investment proposition and linking to portfolio building and monitoring
  • BITA Wealth Portfolio Analytics - institutional strength risk capabilities, risk models and portfolio modelling - incorporating reporting, pre-trade compliance checks detailed risk analytics: factor exposures, stress testing and portfolio optimisation
  • BITA Wealth ESG Manager - portfolio ESG management combining investment and client preference perspectives - captures investor ESG preferences, ESG exposure modelling, reporting, trend analysis, and conflict monitoring
  • BITA Wealth Monitor - enterprise-level monitoring of all portfolios with daily alerts across risk, portfolio, and investment factors. Delivering investment oversight & control to compliance teams and investment managers, supported with a structured exception management process.
  • BITA Wealth Reg-9 - integrated REG-9 workflow, uploading portfolio holding data on a nightly basis and checking the portfolio against REG-9 rules and reporting exceptions. A firm knows where they are compliant, and where there are exceptions, which can then be monitored, reported, documented and resolved.

Simplify TCFD Reporting with BITA Risk


Currently, businesses are facing increased pressure to address climate-related risks and opportunities, following to the TFCD framework. In order to make reporting simpler, but compliant, corfinancial has introduced BITA Wealth, a TFCD......

Portfolio Monitoring - Meeting The New Wealth Management Challenges


BITA ESG Manager


Introducing BITA Risk



BITA Wealth Profiler
Understand clients in a way few others do, and give clients an understanding that few others can. 

BITA Wealth Profiler considers the multiple aspects of a client’s investment needs and builds an investment profile that combines risk, suitability and ESG preferences. Supporting client segmentation and reporting across different countries, regions, client types, and business units, and systematically mapping client profiles across a firm’s investment offering, via both direct and intermediary business channels.

Supporting scalability and growth through the efficient, automated production of high quality investment proposal and annual review reports, BITA Wealth Profiler helps deliver consistent client outcomes, process automation, improved efficiency and transparency whilst retaining advisor autonomy.

BITA Wealth Portfolio Analytics
Underpinned by institutional strength risk capabilities and risk models, the BITA Wealth Portfolio Analytics module empowers advisors and investment teams by delivering ‘deep dive’ portfolio analytics and reporting across client, prospect, and model portfolios. 

Dynamic portfolio analytics include factor exposures, ESG analytics, stress testing, and portfolio optimisation capabilities. Supporting the automated upload of portfolio positions and bulk reporting across models and individual portfolios, the BITA Wealth Portfolio Analytics module can also link to client suitability profiles to deliver pre-trade compliance what-if analytics and monitoring.

BITA Wealth ESG Manager
BITA Wealth adds practical ESG management to existing investment propositions, supporting a manageable, graduated approach to delivering sophisticated ESG investment analytics and client reporting. It delivers full ESG risk exposure and analysis reporting, captures investor ESG preferences and monitors the portfolio against them. What-if portfolio modelling includes detailed ESG analytics, allowing the effect of ESG overlays on a portfolio to be understood. 

BITA Wealth Monitor
Delivering enterprise-wide daily portfolio monitoring against risk, IPS, mandate and investment policy tolerances. This module delivers enterprise oversight and control – enabling firms to efficiently manage the risks of portfolio drift, whilst empowering advisors with intuitive, relevant portfolio analytics that deliver managers freedom within an investment framework, supporting the delivery of consistent client outcomes. Underpinned by full exception management and approval processes, BITA Wealth Monitor helps firms grow through demonstrable risk management, improved client retention, better M&A impact analysis, and protection against reputational risks. 


Integrate ESG
Supporting the evolution of your ESG policy, delivered through detailed investment analytics and considered within the context of BITA Wealth’s industry leading suitability framework.

Manage business risk
Immediately identify risks, monitor trends, and understand patterns – know the risks that are lying in wait, and have the tools in-house to effectively manage, analyse and report on them.

Support M&A activity
Effective business transformation – easily assess and on-board a new book of business. Combining enterprise oversight and portfolio insight ensures firms can quickly analyse the impact of transformational change, M&A activity, or policy changes.

Deliver consistent client outcomes
Ensure regulatory best practice by empowering managers and providing efficient, useful workflows and analytics.

Avoid black box processes and solutions, instead build client trust and create a solid foundation for a long-term investment relationship.

Investment proposal generation
Drive growth through the delivery of high-quality profile, annual review and investment proposals to clients. Retain clients, protect reputation and appeal to more complex mandates. Ensure an entirely scalable infrastructure that drives growth through prioritising client retention and regulatory best practice.

Quick deployment
The BITA Wealth modules enable firms to easily enhance their existing infrastructure without rewriting all their processes or embarking upon costly, lengthy system replacements.

Key Data

  • Licence
Implementation Methods
  • On-premise
Type of Clients
  • Asset Managers
  • Bank Wealth Managers
  • Financial Advisors
Client Regional Presence
  • Eastern Europe
  • North America
  • Western Europe

BITA Wealth

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