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Point Solutions or Integrated Platform?: The Best Choice for Wealth Management Firms

By Ron Wallis, Chief Technology Officer, Docupace

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Opening and maintaining accounts requires filling out a lot of paperwork with a ton of repeated information. It’s a lengthy process, and every error makes it longer. What if you could eliminate errors and delays from your new business workflows? With Docupace, you can shrink processing times from days to minutes....

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by Docupace
| 23/12/2020 12:00:00

If there’s one thing every wealth management executive can agree on, it’s that the move toward digital isn’t slowing down. The future of the industry is paperless; whether broker-dealers and RIAs digitize their operations isn’t a matter of if, but when. The destination may be the same, but for individual firms, the journey will be very different. Decision-makers may choose to take advantage of an integrated platform that can help them with every stage of their digitization strategy, or they may choose to pursue a software ecosystem made up of individual point solutions.

Which strategy is best for short- and long-term growth?

Click on the image below to read the full report.

About Docupace:
Docupace is a leading digital operations technology provider that simplifies how wealth management firms process and digitize data, increasing efficiency, productivity, and profits. With the secure, cloud-based Docupace Platform, the Docupace team provides a suite of digital solutions that helps broker-dealers, RIAs, and their advisors streamline and automate client onboarding, document management, advisor transitions, Regulation BI, cybersecurity, and other critical workflows while maintaining SEC and FINRA compliance. With headquarters in Los Angeles, California, Docupace is proud to serve a variety of firms, including some of the largest in the financial services industry, through a combination of proven technology and hands-on service.

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