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GRACE Trade Surveillance / Market Surveillance

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Solution introduction

Automate trade surveillance to help compliance officers with automatic flagging of violations based on business rules

Monitor trades on an automated basis to identify violations in trades and in patterns of trading

GRACE Trade monitoring automates the process of trade aggregation from various sources. It allows automatic flagging based on business rules and identifying violating trades can mark up the issues in trades. The aggregated trade data can show patterns of insider trading monitoring and best execution discrepancies. It helps identify conflicts in personal trades and allocation of bad trades to clients

The platform is ready to use from day one, reducing costs and increasing value in the organisation to create an immediate return on investment and at the same time allowing for a full growth path with the same system. Issues identified can be managed for escalation, notes and issue management till closure

The GRACE platform is built on an industry-standard Oracle stack and can be deployed on-premises (where Oracle is available), in the cloud, and in private/hybrid certified cloud environments.

Our cloud-based offering is available in multiple jurisdictions, including the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, and throughout the European Union, ensuring that data remains within the customer's jurisdiction to meet regulatory and end-customer needs. Data privacy, data protection, security, reliability, and availability are taken seriously and have been designed into the product from the ground, up.

You can integrate into your source systems and enhance its capability to make it your own system. 

The platform is ready to use from day one, reducing costs and increasing value in the organisation to create an immediate return on investment and at the same time allowing for a full growth path with the same system. Issues identified can be managed for escalation, notes and issue management till closure.

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