NBP provides evaluated prices on fixed income instruments in the Nordic markets, with a stronger focus on NOK and SEK denominated bonds. Also, the company has launched a portfolio of bond indices to meet the demand in the market for relevant independent benchmarks.
Clients include mutual funds, insurance companies, pension funds, custodians, fund administrators, banks, and other financial institutions. Prices and indices are evaluated daily and utilized by clients in net asset value calculations and performance measurement. The products are also used by other teams with clients such as in research, credit research, compliance, and risk management.
NBP`s main objective is to provide best estimated market prices for the instruments covered. This objective is accomplished through gathering information and data, cleansing and processing of data and quality assurance by experienced analysts.
​Valuations are mainly estimated based on broker quotes and indications, and in addition, several other sources of market information are used when available. Such market information may include secondary market trading levels, primary market issuance and market information provided by fund managers or traders.