We have designed a simple and comprehensive tool, capable of providing complex optimization models combining financial and extra-financial criteria, and pre-trade analysis to assist non-expert investors in the energy transition process. (ESG).
At Raise Partner, we believe that financial advisors have a central role to play in this regard, by effectively steering their investments and those of their clients towards greener assets.
To achieve this goal, however, they still face a number of challenges: increased and not sufficiently precise regulatory requirements, increasingly abundant and dispersed data, depth and complexity of the instruments at their disposal, as well as increasing client expectations for transparency, personalization and meaning in their investments.
In order to respond effectively to these challenges, we have developed a digital solution to introduce extra-financial environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria into the analysis and optimization process of financial portfolios.
We offer many advantages to our clients...
...and our clients' clients: actively contribute to the current transition issues, while benefiting from an ultra-personalized service offering.
Raise Partner has developed the Smart Risk Decisions application, which allows the introduction of environmental, social and governance extra-financial criteria in the optimization and analysis process of financial portfolios. These ESG criteria are part of a 3-dimensional impact analysis (risk, return and ESG) that takes into account the positioning of financial portfolios in relation to the challenges of current transitions. Through this application, we enable advisors to build customized, sustainable investment proposals based on their clients' risk, return and ESG requirements and preferences.
Smart Risk Decisions equips advisors to:
Client Engagement & Management, Compliance & Regulation, Digital Platforms & Tools
In addition to complying with regulatory constraints, Smart Risk Decisions allows us to leverage this ESG profiling and thus propose personalized allocations and give meaning to the investment.
Added value for our clients:
Designed for both experts (allocation strategy) and operational professionals (private bankers, relationship managers, etc.), our Smart Risk Decisions solution is currently used by 4 of the 10 largest French banks in France and abroad (Europe, US, Asia), in the investment banking, insurance and private banking sectors.
Extremely modular and configurable, it is easy for our clients to learn and adopt. Equipped with the latest technologies, and connected with the main data providers (financial and non-financial), we are able to interface easily with other systems and partners (PMS, Core Banking, asset servicers, etc.).
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