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94 business profiles added or updated on TWM in week 19 of 2024

Part of the more than 2,700 business profiles and almost 6,000 solution profiles discoverable within our Solution Provider Directory on The Wealth Mosaic

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by The Wealth Mosaic
| 10/05/2024 09:25:23

During week 19 of 2024, we added or updated 94 business profiles to/within our Solution Provider Directory across our Technology & Data and Consulting, Research & Support Services marketplaces. Each of these businesses has a solution offering of relevance to the business needs of wealth managers and their business profiles are each individually accessible via the links highlighted below.

In alphabetical order, the business profiles added to the site this week were: AdvisorX AI, Aidentified, Aprimerose, Arbor Digital, Arch, Arkifi, ASMA Asset Management Audit & Compliance, AssetTribe, Aurachain, Axyon, Blacksmith,, Bowerbird, CacheTech, Cashmere AI, Catchlight, Collidr, DASH, Datarade, DataRobot, Digital Assets Council of Financial Professionals, Doconomy, Ecospend, eflow, Enrich Money, Entole, FIN Compliance, Financiable, FinancialApps, FINNY, Finscape, Freetrade, Frollo, Global Predictions, Greenomy, InfinitX, INSART, Instinct Digital,, Investment Trends, Investor Cash Management, InvestSky, Jump, JustFA, K1x, Kodex AI, Koha Digital, L1 Advisors, LEA, LifeCents, Moment, NextWave, PandaConnect, Pexip, Plenty, Plumb, Portfolio BI, PrognoAdvisor, Quantit, Rayn, Ren, RequirementONE, Resident Tax, ROYC, Ruleguard, Saifr, Salt Edge, Saphyre, Sidepocket, Sikoia, SITS Group, StepStone Group, Stratiphy, Syfe, Syntax, Tanggram, The Ensemble Practice, Tradesocio, tru Independence, Trucendent, Utluna, Venn by Two Sigma, visiWealth, Volt, VRGL, WBI,, White Glove, Wilshire, Wombat Invest, yeekatee, Zeplyn, Zocks, and Zorion

Adding or updating your business and solution profiles to/within our Solution Provider Directory
If you are a solution provider/vendor with an existing set of business and solution profiles in our Solution Provider Directory that need updating, or a solution provider/vendor not yet in our directory that we should add, please write to us at and we will work with you through what is a short and straightforward process.

Working with us
If you want to know more about the various ways we work with solution providers both in and around our directory and website and beyond, please see our full offering in our Work with Us in 2024 catalogue.

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