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Looking back on 2024: The Swiss WealthTech Landscape Report

Our fourth Swiss WTLR, published last year, aimed to provide a comprehensive guide to the technology and related vendor marketplace for the Swiss wealth management community

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by The Wealth Mosaic
| 10/01/2025 12:00:00

The report features over 20 thought-provoking articles on contemporary technology themes relevant to the Swiss wealth management marketplace, 10 Solution Showcases, and 539 entries in the A-Z Solution Provider Directory.

Our goal with this, our fourth Swiss WTLR - published as part of our ongoing WealthTech Landscape Report Series - was to highlight the most relevant and impactful technology topics and trends for a specific wealth management market. We showcase the depth, breadth, and growing range of technology and related solution providers available to the wealth management community in Switzerland and beyond.

This report is comprised of seven main sections: data insights, the client experience, the wealth management offering, the business, the external asset manager (EAM), Solution Showcases, and the full A-Z Solution Provider Directory for the Swiss marketplace.

Data insights
A collection of relevant data points (from third-party sources) to show how the Swiss wealth management industry is evolving and its current shape.

Thought leadership
This section of the report offers a comprehensive collection of industry insights, with a look at the key drivers of change in the Swiss wealth management industry, providing readers with an overview of the forces shaping the sector. It is broken down as follows:

  • The client experience: This section explores how looking into the past, combined with considering the technology of today, can help us reclaim and enhance the client experience. The importance of data, the human aspect, trust, communications channels, and product offerings are also examined in greater detail. The bottom line? Although technology plays an ever more important role in the client-adviser relationship, the adviser and direct adviser-client communication remain paramount to a successful and lasting overall client experience.
  • The wealth management offering: The wealth management offering looks at some of the more innovative assets that wealth managers can include in their offering - tokenisation and crypto, as well as the more traditional cash flow planning and the need to plan for retirement.
  • The business: This section looks at strategic initiatives and the impact of technology on the way that firms operate and do business. The business outlines the steps banks and vendors can take to foster successful collaboration. This piece is followed by articles that examine the importance of branding, the way that embedded finance is gaining traction, the lack of merger and acquisition (M&A) activity across the sector, and the importance of a strong core to support the broader client offering.
  • The EAM:  This section takes a look at ways in which these smaller companies can best position themselves for success, and looks at how the EAM sector finds itself in the middle of a paradigm shift driven by technological advancements, regulatory complexities, and evolving client behaviours.

Solution Showcases
Our Solution Showcases provide a more detailed overview of the business and solution set of a specific firm. This year’s report includes comprehensive showcases for FA SolutionsOrtec FinancePoint Group and Wealth Dynamix, among others.

A-Z Solution Provider Directory
This year’s Solution Provider Directory includes 539 solution providers relevant to the Swiss wealth management marketplace, 249 of which are Switzerland-headquartered businesses, while 290 are headquartered overseas but relevant to the Swiss market.

Online Solution Provider Directory
While this report is a one-time showcase of this market, our online directory is available 24/7, 365 days a year, as a digital host of solution provider profiles, solution profiles, and content. Whatever your profile, this resource has been built according to the business needs of firms in the Swiss and the wider wealth management community across the world.

Ultimately, the global wealth management community must effectively leverage technology in all business areas to survive and thrive. The need to reach out and collaborate with a multitude of vendors to achieve a broad set of goals across the wealth management community is becoming widely accepted. The missing piece of the puzzle is the visibility between the vendors and the wealth managers, which is the purpose of The Wealth Mosaic.

We hope you find value in this report and look forward to continuing to bring you more insight into technology and wealth management throughout 2025. If you are interested in featuring in the next issue of this report series, please don’t hesitate to get in touch at

A big thank you to all the report’s contributors!
Edward Turner from Dreyfus Banquiers, Christian Cebreros from The Good Guys Company, Tom Williams from Pointgroup, Tomas Hurcik from ORCA, Christoph Schnidrig from Amazon Web Services, Jasmine Willis from Simple, Tamara Kostova from Velexa, Nicolas Syz from Syz Group, Stefan Edelmann from Sygnum, Delia Steiner from aixigo, Enrico de Giorgi from Yainvest, Steve Round from SaaScada, Jürg Stalder from SIX, Roger Furrer from ERI, Marc Hauser from Tenity, Marion Fogli from Alpian, Dieter Lützelschwab from additiv, Ray Soudah from Millenium Associates, Helmut Schmid from UBS Partners, Dimitri Petruschenko from EAM.Technology, Brice Zanetti from Everon, Jamie Vrijhof-Droese, and Laurent Pellet from Lombard Odier Group

Interested in reading the full report? You can read this edition of the Swiss WealthTech Landscape Report online here; or download it here.