Benchmarking & Competitive Intelligence

Benchmarking & Competitive Intelligence services have become more relevant to the successful delivery of business strategy and maintenance of a competitive proposition. Our Benchmarking & Competitive Intelligence business need is a resource to support your discovery, understanding and engagement of the various solutions, solution providers and relevant knowledge resources in this area.

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London, United Kingdom

11:FS Pulse

5,700+ curated journey recordings Our handpicked library of user journeys lets you see how top financial brands from around the world are solving their UX challenges. Expert analysis and scoring Our team of experts analyse each journey in detail and score it based on usability heuristics, so you can see what good looks......

relevant regions
Singapore, Singapore

AFFLUENTIAL Wealth Report 2020

Some of the topics covered in the report include: Wealth levels Source of wealth Asset allocations Investment profile and priorities Criteria to choose wealth management / bank / credit card and insurance brands Brand positioning Sustainable investing Investments of passion Millionaire segments and profiles Banking needs VIP privilege & credit card needs Insurance needs Wealth management needs Wealth inheritance needs Digital vs Face-to-Face servicing preferences Expectations......

Toronto, ON, Canada

Analytics as a Service

Our teams can help you to capture and analyze data to better understand behavioral drivers of customers, unique attitudinal segments and consequently innovative ways to shape and evolve the digital channel for specific customer needs.  If the customer is your staff we can also make use of data to enhance your......

relevant regions
Geneva, Switzerland

aperture Strategy Consulting

We work with companies and their investors and help them navigate the paradigm shift, while conferring on their business an unfair advantage.  We help design, build, fund and scale business models that  maximize demand-side economies of scale. We work with tech start-ups as they scale, with incumbents as they launch new......

relevant regions
Irving, TX, United States

Benchmark Assessment Report™

How does your business compare to other elite advisors across the country? What are you doing today to become even more client focused and to improve the business value of your practice? Whether you’re already a top producer, or aspire to build a larger practice, every successful advisor is always seeking new,......

London, United Kingdom


Our benchmarking studies focus on comparable cost, performance and capability metrics across a range of functions to give clients invaluable insight into their relative cost and performance profile. Our tools help clients collate, normalise and analyse data to make impartial, data-driven observations and recommendations. Our research covers investment operations, transfer agency,......

relevant regions
London, United Kingdom


Each area provides the practical steps that enable our clients to improve their business performance. Fees and other financial costs assessment Mid-term outsource benchmarking Oversight and governance Prevailing best practice contractual protections Service standards and effectiveness ...

relevant regions
Boston, MA, United States

Benchmarking Services

Get a comprehensive view of the market Uncover new opportunities by assessing the software or services market. The software and services market is moving fast. If you haven't undergone a search and selection recently, you could be missing out on new opportunities for functionality and cost efficiency. Citisoft benchmarking services offers a......

relevant regions
London, United Kingdom

Bespoke Research

Examples include: defining compensation strategy, identifying fee structures of peer businesses and modifying your own structures, identifying cost saving opportunities and comparing the main drivers of front office productivity. Compeer’s unique research can also underpin the development and execution of a company’s growth strategy for the wealth management sector....

London, United Kingdom

Bespoke Research and Strategic Consulting

Our consulting projects are based on credible research. This may be commissioned on a bespoke basis or drawn from existing data that we hold to support the many investment distribution reports that we publish. Research is typically conducted on the following groups: Platforms (advised, direct and institutional) Investment technology providers Discretionary fund managers and......

relevant regions
Baar, Switzerland

Beta under Development: Behavioural Co-Pilot

It will send you personalized recommendations based on your current portfolio and market movements, as well as your investment style and behavioral tendencies. Sign up for this tool's early access and beta tests to get personalized, actionable guidance on investment decisions and increase your investment returns....

relevant regions
Vienna, Austria

BQ Select

BQ Select improves fund manager evaluation and selection by identifying latent behavioral risks and predicting potential for outperformance. It enhances investment outcomes using behavioral science and machine learning. Our platform evaluates individual and team decision-making through interactive surveys. Users receive immediate analytics, behavioral predictions, and specific recommendations to boost returns......

relevant regions
Sydney, NSW, Australia

Brand Tracking

Our Brand Tracking research helps you identify your brand strength relative to key competitors, identifying areas of strength and weaknesses to focus your attention in the right areas. Our research covers the following key aspects: Brand awareness (prompted and unprompted) Brand distinctiveness Brand equity Brand utility Brand positioning in the market Brand attributes/personality Brand consideration Advertising recall Emotional appeal ...

New York, NY, United States


Receive daily, personalized client-only newsletters that answer the questions most critical to your business, delivered straight to your inbox. Key Benefits Our daily updates are paired with data and analysis from forecasts and research reports to provide you with relevant information needed to plan both your immediate and long-term future. Our Briefings......

relevant regions
London, United Kingdom

Business Performance Benchmarking

Our benchmarking services are outlined below: Annual and quarterly benchmarking service Approximately 50% of the industry (80+ firms) participate directly in our annual and quarterly benchmarking services, with the remaining firms’ data collected from official documents in the public domain to form our annual Industry Report. The benchmarking services comprise: The annual report......

Boston, MA, United States

Cerulli Edge Series

The Cerulli Edge, our unique suite of twelve periodicals, provides our clients with ongoing access to our latest analysis and research on topics of interest to them. Subscribers receive a complete glossary of relevant terminology alongside these publications. Cerulli Edges are available by individual issue or annual subscription. Purchase includes: Digital copy and hardcopy in color Distribution to......

Boston, MA, United States

Cerulli Report Series

Annual reports span Cerulli’s core practice areas and are comprehensive sourcebooks with metrics and data for business planning and strategic development. Annual reports are subscription-based and include complimentary access to additional related Cerulli Reports. Cerulli Reports are the most trusted source for comprehensive data and analysis of the global financial services industry. The......

relevant regions
New York, NY, United States


  Easily find the right data point to frame a decision or build the ultimate deck with our iconic charts, which leverage our proprietary data and thousands of vetted third-party sources to provide you with quick takeaways on the most important industry trends and topics – all to help inform your......

relevant regions
London, United Kingdom

Citywire Research

Citywire Research provides in-depth knowledge for asset managers as they shape their businesses, whether they are developing a new product, venturing into a new market or recrafting their sales and marketing operations. We can provide answers ranging from hard data to anecdotal feedback along with analytics and interpretation to fathom what......

New York, NY, United States

Competitive Analysis

The unifying theme across our work is to serve as your partner acting as a catalyst for change within your organization and then help you lead and drive the change to achieve specific business objectives. Competitive Analysis consulting services is provided from having extensive industry knowledge of front-office portfolio management technologies, back-office custody......

relevant regions
Edinburgh, United Kingdom


The lang cat has been changing the platform, pension and investment market for the better one company at a time since 2010. We know our stuff. We know your stuff. And we know your customers’ stuff. We balance unparalleled technical understanding, industry experience and know-how with the ability to produce engaging......

San Francisco, CA, United States


You are running a great firm. You’ve made the right decisions to get it to where it is today. And you are ready to take it to the next level. You know what needs to be done and realize some extra help from a strategic consultant would be a good idea. We......

relevant regions
Paris, France

Custom Market Analysis

In industries that target the wealthy, firms must decide when to enter new markets and when to restructure their existing market footprints. How do you know where to best focus your firm’s investments? Regardless of the operating environment, companies are always […] Capgemini’s custom market-sizing analysis–based on robust financial modeling–provides a......

relevant regions
Boston, MA, United States

Custom Projects and Consulting

We also conduct curated quantitative and qualitative research and competitive analysis, as well as other types of research on behalf of clients. Benchmarking IT Roadmaps and Platform Optimization M&A Support and Due Diligence Product and Go-to-Market Strategy Quantitative and Qualitative Research Thought Leadership Vendor Selection Voice of Customer Research ...

relevant regions
1950 Sion, Switzerland
Grimbergen, Belgium

DataScouts Platform

Your needs Expand your business into new markets Assess the atractiveness of different markets, incl. work and living conditions, the readiness to adopt your product and the overall competitive pressure. Exploit your competitive advantage Competitive analysis is an essential aspect of your business strategy. Systematic competitive profiling is a core aspect of successful businesses. Increase your......

Tigard, OR, United States

DC Benchmarking Services

Use the Right Data All of Fiduciary Benchmarks’ data is obtained directly from the source – the Recordkeepers, TPAs and Advisor/Consultants that know the plan best. The data is 90 days or less old when obtained, is reviewed for accuracy, and is comprehensive in that it includes fees, services, support and......

relevant regions
Nice, France

Delegated Management Observatory

Although delegated management is a widespread management mode, beneficiaries lack relevant references against which to benchmark their profiles: Diversified open-end funds not directly comparable, no euro fund component. Published profile returns on the internet are scarce, often 100% ETF and limited to digital players. Returns published in the press are available once a......

relevant regions
Toronto, ON, Canada

Digital Wealth Management Research and Advisory Service

Our FinTech Wealth Research & Advisory Service delivers quarterly reports which benchmark and track consumer and supplier insights related to automated digital wealth management over time. Our reports provide timely and relevant analyses that surface unmet needs, evaluate current market participants, and provide in-depth discussion and implications of key results. ...

relevant regions
New York, NY, United States

Dow Jones Curation Services

Each of Dow Jones’ unique curation offerings is powered by subject matter experts who compile the world’s most relevant content for you, according to your personal business needs. Whether you need to stay updated on positive or negative news being published about your own company, the latest articles on your......

Zurich, Switzerland

ESG Ratings for Real Estate Financing

Empowering banks, insurance, real estate, and asset management companies to make informed decisions and drive sustainable growth. Our comprehensive ESG ratings deliver transparency and insights for property portfolio management, benchmarked to national and international sustainability standards. AI-powered data management and advanced data analytics allow our clients to optimize their portfolios,......

relevant regions
London, United Kingdom

European Fund Distribution

Identifies changes in fund distribution across Europe to inform distribution strategy. Covers investment platforms and their influence over fund distribution, as well as analysis of the fund distribution dynamics in the main jurisdictions....

Norwalk, CT, United States

Fee Analyzer

Gain competitive insight Fee Analyzer is an interactive product for asset managers and institutional investors to benchmark and analyze actual post-negotiated fees (rather than published fees) and performance across plans types, asset classes, and investment styles. It includes over 70,000 fee observations across over 65 investment styles and is updated quarterly......

relevant regions
New York, NY, United States


Develop your business strategy and forecast growth opportunities with key data points on where your market is headed. Sound Methodology Insider Intelligence forecasts provide a holistic perspective because of our unbiased, multi-source methodology. We analyze over 3,000 sources to minimize the restraints of each research methodology to the lowest degree. Here is......

relevant regions
San Francisco, CA, United States


Yet most advisors are barely growing organically and possibly getting worse at it. Plummeting from 9% just a few years ago, the average RIA’s growth rate is just 3%, after market performance and acquisitions are removed.* Something is wrong. That's why we created the DeVoe GrowthBuilder™ DeVoe & Company has developed the......

relevant regions
London, United Kingdom

Growth Strategy

We have extensive experience helping businesses identify and prioritise the best opportunities for growth. This could involve evaluating pricing, assessing new product development and routes to market, or examining brand positioning and customer satisfaction....

relevant regions
London, United Kingdom

Industry & Competitor Reporting

The UK Wealth Management Industry Report examines the aggregated business performance of investment managers, private banks and private client stockbrokers, and includes the underlying data in Excel and briefer quarterly updates for the following year. The report is derived from questionnaire data we receive as well as relevant public domain......

New York, NY, United States

Industry KPIs

Leverage benchmarks for optimized budget planning, justification, and success. Why Industry KPIs Guide your budgeting and planning process amid macroeconomic turmoil Third-party validation of industry trends, consumer behavior, and channel performance Justify your investments Benchmark your performance 30+ data sources contribute to Industry KPIs Save countless hours currently spent curating and vetting KPIs and get right to......

relevant regions
London, United Kingdom

Industry Networks

Our distinguished engineers network has worked with a consortium of major banks and chartered bodies to develop global industry standards for banking and beyond. Distinguished engineers network DevOps practitioners HR and talent professionals Risk professionals ...

relevant regions
Singapore, Singapore

LuxeTalk - Affluent and HNW Community

Through our collaboration with luxury concierge and event companies as well as publishers and media, we build our LUXETALK Community of affluent and HNW individuals. These respondents come with opinions on products services they have used in the past and purchases they expect in the future. Having information to keep up......

London, United Kingdom

Market Entry

Whether launching a new product or entering a new geographical region, our work may involve sizing a market and evaluating its growth potential, mapping the competitive environment to understanding where the white space lies, or surveying potential customers in that market to evaluate the need....

relevant regions
London, United Kingdom

Market Entry Consulting

Market entry assessment - business restructuring - country profiling and benchmarking - competitor intelligence - due diligence - political and economic risk consulting We combine global investigative and analytical expertise with a highly practical understanding of how businesses can navigate the challenges of working in unfamiliar markets. Market entry assessment Supported by our......

Sydney, NSW, Australia

Market Indexations

Our market indices allow you to benchmark particular consumer behavioural traits and attitudes over time, helping you monitor the changing sentiment or financial health of the broader market. These changes may have strategic implications for your business, but the indices can also be used to start a conversation in the market......

Zug, Switzerland

Market Intelligence

Access and connect content for the use cases that are relevant to market activities of our clients and "connect the dots" across information that has been unconnected previously. Our knowledge about information markets, as well as our data science techniques and tools, allow us to derive new insights for a......

London, United Kingdom

Omdia Consulting

Where to play Identify new markets, strategize for growth, prioritize investments What to build Foresee demand, craft a unique value proposition, test the market How to win Segment, message, and reach your target audience Where to play Omdia allows you to strategize for tomorrow and accurately identify, assess, and size growth opportunities, with a forecast for how......

relevant regions
London, United Kingdom

Omdia Research and Data Solutions

Omdia brings you independent, world-class research that shares a holistic view of the technology ecosystem. Leverage the unified depth and breadth of expertise from Informa Tech’s legacy research brands: Ovum, IHS Markit Technology, Tractica and Heavy Reading. We are in a unique position to provide objective research and serve the needs......

relevant regions
Bath, United Kingdom

PEAK: Maturity

With PEAK, you assess the key capabilities of your organisation as often as you require, allowing you to measure the impact of your investments over time and to shape your change portfolios in response....

relevant regions
Norwalk, CT, United States

Peer Insights™

Analyze competing funds quickly, with confidence Peer Insights, part of the Style Analytics solution, allows investors and managers to instantly compare any fund to any peer group of your choice to get accurate peer insights. Using the underlying holdings data, it has pre-calculated over 28,000 funds’ factor exposures so institutional investors......

relevant regions
Sydney, NSW, Australia

Performance Benchmarking

Our performance benchmarking provides you with two key reference points against which to measure yourself – those you compete with for business, as well as the broader market in which you operate. CoreData has the skills and experience to highlight your relative position in the market over time by reliably benchmarking......

Irving, TX, United States

Professional Advisory Model™

We’ve interviewed thousands of financial advisors and Registered Investment Advisors with a minimum of 10 years of service, $250,000,000 in assets under management and $3 million or more in production per year to collect the data used to construct this model. The PAM™ breaks down a financial advisory practice into......

New York, NY, United States


The Value of Insider Intelligence Reports One of the biggest advantages Insider Intelligence clients receive through our reports is agility. We craft our reports to provide clients with the data they need, when they need it, to make decisions allowing them to adjust and adapt to changing market dynamics. Furthermore, these......

relevant regions
London, United Kingdom

Research & Benchmarking

Our Quality Analyser research system will: Demonstrate the strength of your proposition Highlight any areas that require tactical focus Understand your competitors offerings in context Assist in winning new business Help retain clients Plan your future development roadmap ...

Basildon, United Kingdom

Research & Benchmarking

We benchmark platforms, asset managers, DFMs and SIPP providers based on a range of metrics including our Financial Stability Rating™ designed to support adviser selection process and inform provider’s business planning. Our Guide to Advised Platform is very popular with providers looking to gain a deeper understanding into the viability of propositions in the......

Boston, MA, United States

Research Councils

Datos Insights Executive Councils are free, moderated, knowledge-sharing communities for specialized groups of senior executives, domain leads, and managers in their particular industry. Members participate in private studies, events, and networking opportunities with their peers. Membership is open to Datos Insights clients and to approved guests from non-client companies. Corporate Banking......

relevant regions
Hampshire, United Kingdom

Research Services

Our research offering We offer four main services: Pay-as-you-go research - Quick and convenient, our pay-as-you-go service enables you to purchase just the research you need straight from the ResearchStore page. Corporate subscriptions – This is the most cost-effective way of gaining access to a larger number of research pieces. You can subscribe by topic or stream,......

relevant regions
London, United Kingdom

Retirement Accumulation and Decumulation Platform

WealthObjects provides solutions that allow firms to efficiently engage with customers through the accumulation, at-retirement and decumulation phases....

Eastleigh, United Kingdom

Strategic Customer Relationships (SCR)

Strategic Customer Relationships (SCR) uncovers customer expectations, measures your performance against those expectations, identifies where your biggest challenges and opportunities lie and pinpoints exactly where your customers want you to improve. Establishing what matters most to your customers and how you measure up Unlike generic satisfaction surveys, we start where most people......

relevant regions
Pune, India

Syndicate Research

Each report provides in-depth analysis on the topic and discuss drivers, restraints and opportunities available in the market. The service is designed to help our clients in their decision support system. The analysis also covers the complete spectrum of the research topic to help our clients meeting their business objective....

relevant regions
Chicago, IL, United States

Tegus Call Services

Expert Insights You Can Trust Don’t settle for calls lead by analysts hired by the expert network or tenuous compliance practices. We pride ourselves on delivering world-class call quality, best-in-class compliance, and calls without a markup. Custom Recruiting for Every Project Instead of stale databases, we leverage dynamic platforms like LinkedIn, Google, and......

relevant regions
London, United Kingdom

The Client Centric Index

The Client Centric Index is a self-completion diagnostic test. It helps you take the first step towards the transformation of the performance and profitability of your firm by aligning its capabilities, structure and culture more closely to its clients and markets. It comprises 12 questions It takes 5 minutes to complete online It......

relevant regions
London, United Kingdom

The Platform Report

It is a closed user group, meaning that platforms must provide actual sales and asset data in order to participate. They must also abide by a confidentiality agreement. Since platforms also provide granular data on their bestselling funds, a subscription is extended to fund groups provided they sign a confidentiality agreement. The Platform......

relevant regions
London, United Kingdom

The UK Sales Accelerator

The UK Sales Accelerator service is designed for technology firms, primarily start-ups, scale-ups and overseas market entrants, wanting to enter or grow in the UK wealth management sector. Working in partnership with MDWG Consulting, a UK-based sales consulting firm, the UK Sales Accelerator tackles the sales challenges faced by many......

Paris, France

The World Wealth Report

Capgemini is a global leader in consulting, digital transformation, technology, and engineering services. The group is at the forefront of innovation to address the entire breadth of clients’ opportunities in the evolving world of cloud, digital and platforms. Building on its strong 50-year heritage and deep industry-specific expertise, Capgemini enables......

relevant regions
Singapore, Singapore

TrendLens 2020

A complete insights and research program designed for marketing and insights teams and C-level executives to understand the latest trends on affluent and HNW consumers when it comes to their finances, and buying luxury goods (fashion, cosmetics, jewellery, watches, alcohol), and travel and in key markets. Phase 2 interviews conducted in June/July......

London, United Kingdom

UK Adviser Platforms

Analysis of platform data, technology, pricing and adviser sentiment. We plot trends in the adviser platform landscape and analyse performance based on AUA, sales and the views of financial advisers....

relevant regions
London, United Kingdom


Quantifies the growth of online investment distribution and how self-directed investors access services. We analyse direct platforms and a wide range of non-platform direct-to-consumer services....

relevant regions
London, United Kingdom

UK Financial Advisers

Developments and trends within the UK financial advice market. Individual reports focus on key topics and include insights on the attitudes and behaviour of financial advisers....

relevant regions
London, United Kingdom

UK Wealth Management

The structure and trends of the wealth management market, including direct distribution to private clients and via third-party advisers. Analysis of wealth management firms helps to identify opportunities and threats, as well as supporting strategy and proposition development....

relevant regions
London, United Kingdom

Vendor and Custodian Selection

Our overarching goal when advising clients is to add measurable financial improvements to their business. This we achieve by consulting on operational and supplier efficiencies, revenue protection, and new business growth. A guiding principle for our firm is that our team's expertise should derive from direct experience of working within......

relevant regions
London, United Kingdom

Wealth Management Remuneration Survey

Under the remuneration package we include analyses of basic salary, bonus, LTIPs, share options and car allowances, with information collected as at the end of May and November, to ensure only the most current data is used for reviews. The report also enables the client to compare remuneration, working hours, leave......

Knowledge Resources

Keep up-to-date with the most dedicated resource for wealth managers which includes relevant news, developments and industry trends.